Jane Wills

Professor of Human Geography at Queen Mary, University of London

Jane’s research focuses on (1) the changing geo-political-economy of work, employment and labour supply; and (2) new forms of urban coalitional politics. In recent years she has conducted research into the London living wage campaign and the broad-based community alliance called London Citizens that leads the campaign. She is currently researching the costs and benefits of the London living wage, funded by Trust for London. In the recent past, Jane was involved in a project to map the experiences, contributions and implications of foreign-born workers in London’s low waged jobs. This work resulted in Global Cities at Work (Pluto, 2010) that focuses on London’s emerging Migrant Division of Labour and its implications for the city, the country and the rest of the world.

Jane Wills, Professor of Human Geography at Queen Mary, University of London

Presentation given at MBJB Seminar 2 (pdf).

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